Press Releases for network freelancers

  • 807

    Solution Feed : The one stop solution for all your market need, survey and product reviews

    What would you do the next time you plan to buy something, get a service or start on a new venture? The answer seems really simple...log on to goggle and get all review, information and all other stuff, posted by members who are one time users or most of them absentees. Today business is changing and the way people do business.

    By : | 12-10-2009 | Architecture:Architecture | Total Views : 807

  • 843

    Solution-feed stood up to make consumers life simple

    Danny wants to buy a car. He knows what he needs in a car – good mileage, enough room for his two kids and their dog, four-wheel drive, a good sound system. He knows what he wants in a car. The problem is finding a car that can provide him all of those things.

    By : | 12-09-2009 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 843